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Refereed Journal Articles 2016-2022
For access to all publications, please click HERE.

Sondergeld, T. A., Stone, G. E., Kruse, L., Bostic, J. D. & Matney, G. (in press). Evaluating the Differential Impact of Dichotomous and Partial Credit Scoring Models on Student Problem-Solving Assessment Outcomes. School Science and Mathematics.


Matney, G., Bostic, J., Fox, M., Hicks, T., May, T., & Stone, G. (2022). Fourth-grade students’ sensemaking during multi-step problem solving. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 65.


Wiemken, R., Stewart, M., Matney, G., Folger, T., & Matney, T. (2022). This Happened to You Too? Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching Pre-K – 12, 115(3), 237-240.


Weaver, J.C., Matney, G., Goedde, A.M., Nadler, J.R. and Patterson, N. (2021). Digital tools to promote remote lesson study.  International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 10(2), 187-201.


Wiemken, R., Padmi, R. S., & Matney, G. (2021). Global connections through mathematical problem solving. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching Pre-K – 12, 114(3), 219-226.


Bostic, J., Sondergeld, T., Matney, G., Stone, G., & Hicks, T. (2021). Gathering response process data for a problem-solving measure through whole-class think alouds. Applied Measurement in Education, 34(1), 46-60. DOI: 10.1080.08957347.2020.1835913


Matney, G., Lustgarten, A., & Nicholson, T. (2020). Black holes of research on instructional practice: The case of number talks. Investigations in Mathematics Learning, 12(4), 246-260.   


Roberts, O. T., Bostic, J. D., & Matney, G. T. (2020). Modeling with Mathematics in the Moment. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching Pre-K – 12, 113(10), 864-867.


Matney, G., Porcella, J., & Gladieux, S. (2020).  Quick blocks: Developing spatial sense. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12, 113(1), 8-17.

Largent, K., & Matney, G. (2020).  Preservice Mathematics Teacher Professional Learning through Informal Field Experiences. Ohio Journal of School Mathematics, 85, 37-46.


Boonsena, N., Inprasitha, M., Changsri, N., & Matney, G. (2019). Teachers learning about teaching practice in a modify lesson study. Psychology, 10, 977-988.


Bostic, J., Matney, G., & Sondergeld, T. (2019). A validation process for observation protocols: Using the Revised SMPs Look-for Protocol as a lens on teachers’ promotion of the standards. Investigations in Mathematics Learning, 11(1), 69-82. (DOI):   


Lustgarten, A., & Matney, G. (2019). Examining number talks with secondary preservice teachers. Ohio Journal of School Mathematics, 80(1), 22-30.  Retrieve from:


Yuan, X., & Matney G. (2018). Searching for the middle zone of Chinese and American Mathematics Teaching through Math Camps. Journal of Mathematics Education, 11(2), 1-16.  (DOI):

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Matney, G. (2018). Peer Mentoring Professionalism among Preservice Mathematics Teachers: Safe Spaces for Community Teaching Practice. Investigations in Mathematics Learning, 10(2), 67-84.


Isoda, M., Araya, R., Eddy, C., Matney, G., Williams, J., Calfucura, P, Aguirre, C., Becerra, P., Gormaz, R., Soto-Andrade, J., Noine, T., Mena-Lorca, A., Olfos, R., & Baldin, Y. (2017).  Teaching energy efficiency: A Cross-Border Public Class and Lesson Study in STEM.  Interaction Design & Achitecture(s), 35, 7-31. [Acceptance rate   10%]


Matney, G. & Jackson, J. (2017).  Research Projects and Secondary Mathematics Preservice Teachers' Sense of Efficacy. Investigations in Mathematics Learning 9(4), 171-186.


Bostic, J., & Matney, G. (2016).  Leveraging Modeling with Mathematics-focused Instruction to Promote Other Standards for Mathematical Practice.  Journal of Mathematics Education Leadership 17(2), 21-33.


Matney, G., Panarach, Y., & Jackson, J. (2016). Establishing Validity of the Thai Mathematics Teaching Efficacy Beliefs Instrument. School Science and Mathematics Journal 116(3), 164-172.

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